Repair Sun Damaged Skin with the Icon™ Laser
No matter how much sunscreen you use or how often you try to stay in the shade, it is impossible to avoid UV exposure altogether. If you have unwanted pigment or rosacea, whether it be from sun damage or the natural aging process, you no longer have to live with it. Icon laser sun spot removal treatments are designed to reverse the signs of sun damage to give you a clearer complexion.
How Does Laser Sun Damage Repair Work?
Icon laser sun spot removal treatments use laser light pulses to reach deep below the surface of the skin to remove hyperpigmentation and facial veins without harming the surrounding skin. The laser energy breaks up dark spots into smaller particles so that the body can naturally eliminate them through the immune system. Sun spots on the face, neck, arms, hands, and legs will start to fade following dark spot removal treatment so you can start feeling confident again.


What to Expect During Sun Spot Reduction Treatments
Depending on the size and darkness of your sun spots, multiple treatments may be needed for best results. Icon laser facial vein removal can cause slight discomfort in some patients, but a cooling cream can be applied prior to treatment to help alleviate any pain. Dark spot reduction treatments have few side effects which typically include some minor swelling and redness that may last for a few hours, although individual patient experience varies. Most patients are able to resume their normal activities following this procedure, no downtime required.
Schedule a free consultation today to start reversing sun damage!